NCS C+ webinar series on Negative emissions: The cost and role of Direct air capture in achieving climate targets

:globe_with_meridians: The cost and role of Direct air capture in achieving climate targets as part of the NCS C+ webinar series on “Negative emissions”.
:date: 24 April 2024 | 16:00 CET

Removing CO2 from the atmosphere is vital in our journey towards net-zero and compensating for potential carbon budget overshoots to achieve the Paris Agreement. While some argue that Direct Air Capture (DAC) costs could fall below $100/t, a recent study by ETH Zurich suggests they are likely to remain above $200/t even at gigaton scales. This study has sparked significant debate in the DAC, carbon dioxide removal, and greenhouse gas mitigation communities.

To delve into this topic further, NCS C+ has gathered experts in direct air capture, carbon dioxide removal landscape, investment analysts, policy analysts, and more.

:studio_microphone: Speaker:
Katrin Sievert (ETH Zürich)
Prof. Andrea Ramirez (Delft University of Technology)
Dr. Sally Homsy (National Energy Technology Laboratory)
Lisa Mangertseder (Carbon Removal Partners)
Dr. Mathilde Fajardy (International Energy Agency - IEA)
Prof. Matteo Gazzani (Utrecht University)
Robert Höglund (Marginal Carbon AB)

:studio_microphone: Moderator: Simon Roussanaly (SINTEF Energy Research)

More than a hundred people have already registered! Don’t miss out on this opportunity to gain insights into DAC costs and its role in achieving climate targets.

:mag: Register here:

For more information about the webinars click here

Here is the webinar in youtube for those that miss it.

Webinar participants are:

  • Simon Roussanaly, SINTEF Energy Research (NSC C+ coordinator)
  • Katrin Sievert, ETH Zurich
  • Sally Homsy, NETL
  • Matteo Gazzani, Utrecht University
  • Lisa Mangertseder, Carbon Removal Partners
  • Robert Höglund, Marginal Carbon
  • Andrea Ramírez, TU Delft
  • Mathilde Fajardy, International Energy Agency